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Cavalier King Charles Breeder Florida Miami
Welcome to World Class Cavaliers. We are a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breeder of some of the finest purebred Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, that will steal your heart! All of our Cavalier King Charles puppies are raised in our home, to ensure they will be a great pet for you! We are located just a little north of Miami.
If you are looking for a lifetime companion, World Class Cavaliers has the perfect puppy to add to your family.
Being one of the most beautiful and loyal breeds available, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel makes the perfect dog for a wide variety of households. The style and grace of our King Charles Cavaliers have made them champion show dogs and sought after breeding dogs, offsprings that have made the perfect pet for families.
Since 1980 our family is breeding and raising dogs for companion, personal protection (German Shepherd dogs) AKC conformation shows and as service dogs. Our love and passion for the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel has grown tremendously over the years (they are Jennifer's favorites) and we strive to deliver the finest dogs. Each one of our dogs has strengthened our family bond and dynamic and it is our goal for each one of our King Charles Cavalier Spaniel puppies to give you the same exact feeling.
World Class Cavaliers LLC is a licensed hobby breeder and has a strict AKC inspected and approved breeding program. We are not a Pet Dealer or Kennel.
We raise our puppies inside our home to ensure constant attention to our mothers and young puppies, to be there for any problems, and to correct behaviors. All of our Cavalier King Charles Spaniels for sale have a head start in house training.
All of our Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are carefully hand selected in Germany, Russia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, United States, England, Netherland, Poland and other countries.
We specialize in placing the right dog in the right home!
We are a proud member of the first Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club in the USA , CKCSC USA

A lot of genetic study and health testing goes into our breeding’s before (!) a breeding takes place.
All of our dogs and puppies are eating Royal Canin Small Puppy dry food and get Nu-Vet multi vitamins daily. For more information on Nu-Vet, please click here.
Feel free to call or text us anytime to ask as many questions as you’d like. We’re here to help everyone and offer lifetime support on all our sold dogs and puppies.
Thanks for reading and please enjoy our site! Also feel free to like us on facebook for more updates on our imported dogs and their puppy sales!!! https://www.facebook.com/worldclasscavaliers/

Breeder Josef Schwab and Jennifer

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Breeder Jennifer